Greece Cat feature

Cats of Greece

Cats of Greece- #afriendafar #catsofgreece

The cats we saw everywhere around Greece surprised me, made for a fun photography subject, and became a running joke our entire trip. If you Google “Cats of Greece,” the results that come up range from “The Plight of the Feral Cats of Greece- Advocacy for Animals” to “I hate cats. Should I even go to Greece?” to “A Rolling Crone: Greece is Going to the Cats.” While I could definitely see how the stray cats could be disturbing or distressing for some visitors, I found them to add to the charm of the Greece, the islands particularly.

Cats of Greece- #afriendafar #catsofgreece

Meagan and I each have a cat child so when I saw a cute zipper pouch with a kitty and a Santorini scene, I knew I found the perfect souvenir to bring back. I also just had to send a Kitty Cats of Greece postcard to my sister back home who doesn’t particularly like cats. I always enjoy discovering the quirks of places I travel to and appreciated how Greece tourism has embraced the cat theme in its marketing and selling. Which cat would you bring back from Greece as a souvenir? My personal favorite was Mr. Mustache Cat!

Cats of Greece- #afriendafar #catsofgreece

Stephanie grew up road-tripping across the U.S., but her first flight was to Australia, and she’s been hooked ever since. She lived abroad in Thailand, where she met Meagan, and in Ghana with Peace Corps and has been to over 30 countries on 6 continents. She travels for the adventure, the stories, and nature.

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